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2018-04-26 03:00
‘SMEAR CAMPAIGN’: The former Academia Sinica head said the charges against him have scared off world-class talent from returning and contributing to the nationBy Jason Pan / Staff reporterFormer Academia Sinica president Wong Chi-huey (翁啟惠) yesterday rejected charges of financial impropriety and corruption relating to OBI Pharma Inc at a hearing at the Shilin District Court in Taipei.“After the character assassination to smear the reputation and personal integrity of a president of Academia Sinica, what has Taiwan gained from this?” Wong said outside the court.“What has happened is that outstanding talent who are recognized internationally will no longer return to Taiwan to contribute their know-how. It has blocked the road for their return home,” he said.“Because of this, industries are stagnating and no longer making progress. These consequences have resulted in much regret and pain for me,” he added.While prosecutors in February dropped insider trading charges against Wong, he is still facing charges of corruption and misconduct.Wong allegedly helped develop the key biotechnology for cancer drugs while conducting research at Academia Sinica, in exchange for shares from OBI Pharma chairman Michael Chang (張念慈), and later 3,000 shares were transferred to Wong’s daughter Wong Yu-shioh (翁郁秀).Wong Chi-huey said the 3,000 shares were bought with money from his family’s mutual funds and were not gifts from Chang.He added that he did not sign any technology transfer agreement, nor did he receive financial benefits from OBI Pharma.“As the developer of the key technology, I went to present my professional opinion. How does that qualify as corruption?” he said.“In negotiating the licensing fees for the technology transfer with OBI Pharma, the final figure we received was more than NT$57 million [US$1.92 million at the current exchange rate], which is higher than the initial offer of NT$2.5 million,” he said.“We received a higher amount, which benefited the nation’s coffers. We negotiated a good deal, which has instead been distorted and vilified,” he added.Wong Chi-huey also defended staffers at Academia Sinica’s Department of Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer, who negotiated the licensing fees.“We have these outstanding negotiators, who deserve to be praised. Why have they been accused of selling technologies developed by the nation on the cheap?” he said.He also said that prosecutors had made numerous error in reviewing and citing evidence, such as misidentifying foreign currencies which resulted in inaccurate valuations of OBI Pharma shares.Wong is a world-renowned biochemist and has been touted as a potential Nobel Prize candidate.新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES
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.innity-apps-reset { padding: 20px 0 0 !important; margin: -20px auto -10px !important; } 袁興夏一派董事因不滿張鏡湖將「解除不適任董事長」提案排除議程外,向教育部申請自行召開董事會獲同意,將在25日召開。不過昨天由張鏡湖召集的董事會中,2名董事李傳洪、林國賢提出請辭,導致董事會勢力重新洗牌,原本居優勢的袁興夏一派,從6人減至4人;張鏡湖一派5人掌多數優勢。此外,張鏡湖也發出開會通知單,與袁興夏同選在25日召開董事會,明天下午雙方將分別在校本部及推廣部召開董事會「互尬」,火硝味濃。據了解,張鏡湖因不滿董事自行開會,日前已向士林地方法院聲請假處分,不過今天遭到駁回,裁定書目前已寄給袁興夏、張冠群、李傳洪等董事。袁興夏指出,張鏡湖召開的董事會開會通知單郵戳為16日,不符合文大捐助章程第16條所規定,開會通知單發文日之次日起算至開會當日前一日止,至少滿十日。不過張鏡湖發言人、律師張少騰表示,根據捐助章程規定,是以發文日期為準,從13日起算,並沒有違反規定,強調會議合乎適法性。高教司長李彥儀則說,開會是否具有正當性,需回歸到董事會對捐助章程的解讀,若開會通知單發文與開會日期超過十天,即合乎規定。至於昨天才開會、明天又開會,是否符合規定?她表示根據私校法第19條規定,為避免有部分董事在國外期間,因無法出席董事會而喪失相關資格,所以有會議間隔至少十天的規定,但是不適用於此次案例。張少騰表示,聲請假處分被駁回後,代表另一方仍可照常開會,後續將考慮是否上訴。此外,根據捐助章程第17條規定,應有董事總額過半數之出席,以出席董事過半數之同意行之。等同9人中有5人出席即可開會,除非重要事項之決議,才須有2/3董事出席。據知情人士表示,當天將討論停發袁興夏、張冠群2人專任董事薪資。董事長張鏡湖向士林地方法院聲請假處分,今天遭駁回。記者吳佩旻/翻攝 分享 facebook